Diario UltimaHora Diario UltimaHora
Biden pide el voto para Kamala Harris tras abandonar la carrera a la presidencia
El presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, pidió el voto para la vicepresidenta, Kamala Harris, como su sustituta de cara a las elecciones del próximo 5 de noviembre, a través de un mensaje en la red social X, unos minutos después de anunciar que abandon... [Leer más]

Julio 21, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Agreement with Brazil opens the door for Paraguay to take a leap in its development and become a host for investments - .::Agencia IP::.
Ministers of the Executive Branch explained in a press conference the scope of the agreement reached with Brazil on the price of Itaipu's energy tariff until 2026 and the bases for the negotiation of Annex C. They affirmed that this agreement opens a w... [Leer más]

Mayo 10, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
New Ambassadors were instructed to "integrate Paraguay into the world" - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña swore in the new Ambassadors of Paraguay to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Juan Ernesto Snead, and to the United Arab Emirates, Carolin Konther López. [Leer más]

Abril 19, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Taiwan's President-Elect promises to deepen relations with Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Taiwan's President-elect and current Vice President, William Lai (Lai Ching-te), assured on Tuesday that his government "will deepen" the island's relations with Paraguay, a country with which it has maintained official diplomatic ties since 1957. [Leer más]

Abril 16, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Project for the manufacturing of electric buses in Paraguay aims to generate 2,500 direct jobs - .::Agencia IP::.
The project by Taiwanese firm Master Bus, which plans to establish an electric bus factory in Paraguay, will involve an investment of around USD 30 million and the creation of between 2,000 and 2,500 direct jobs, according to its executives. [Leer más]

Abril 16, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
About 60 Paraguayan companies are invited to an international business roundtable with Taiwan business mission - .::Agencia IP::.
Twenty-four Taiwanese companies arrived in Paraguay as part of the "Taiwan Trade Mission to Latin America 2024" tour, aiming to explore new opportunities and strengthen international trade ties, reported the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. [Leer más]

Abril 12, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña discussed investment opportunities with King Felipe of Spain and Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez at a telecommunications summit - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, held discussions with the King of Spain, Felipe de Borbón y Grecia, and his counterpart, Pedro Sánchez, during the opening day of the World Telecommunications Congress held in Barcelona. [Leer más]

Febrero 26, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Ongoing efforts in organizing the Latin American Special Olympics - .::Agencia IP::.
The country team met with the participation of the First Lady of the Nation, Leticia Ocampos, and the Minister of Sports, César Ramírez, along with representatives from 20 other public institutions. [Leer más]

Febrero 22, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay welcomes Crypto Summit del Sur: A deep dive into cryptocurrency and blockchain - .::Agencia IP::.
With the promise of delivering an enriching and vibrant experience, the third edition of Crypto Summit del Sur is about to arrive in Paraguay. This annual event, considered the most important conference on mining, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain in th... [Leer más]

Febrero 03, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay assumes the Pro Tempore Presidency of Gafilat for the 2024 period - .::Agencia IP::.
Liliana Alcaraz, Minister of the Secretariat for the Prevention of Money Laundering or Property (Seprelad), has assumed the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Financial Action Task Force of Latin America (Gafilat) for the period 2024. [Leer más]

Diciembre 18, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Expohotel 2023 will show all the potential of the national hotel sector - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- In Turista Róga of the Tourism National Secretariat (Senatur, by its acronym in Spanish) presented the “VIII Paraguay’s Expohotel 2023”, which will take place on October 20 in the Conventions Center of Conmebol. The activity will... [Leer más]

Octubre 11, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The Head of State and the Vice President greet Taiwan for its National Day - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Head of State, Santiago Peña, and the Vice President of the Republic, Pedro Alliana, greet the Republic of China (Taiwan) for its celebration of Double Tenth Day. They reaffirmed their support and commitment to cooperating fo... [Leer más]

Octubre 10, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
President Peña returned to the country after completing an extensive agenda in the United States - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, returned this Saturday to the country after completing an extensive agenda in the United States, where he participated in the UN General Assembly and met with politics, academics and ... [Leer más]

Septiembre 23, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay exposes new opportunities to attract the interest of Brazilian enterprises - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- “Paraguay is working on formalizing its economy, diminishing the evasion and improving the public expense without increasing its tax structure”, affirmed the Vice President of the Republic, Pedro Alliana, during the opening of th... [Leer más]

Septiembre 21, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Vice President announced that Argentina will start to pay the debt accumulated for energy transfer - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Vice President of the Republic, Pedro Alliana, announced this Thursday that Argentina will disburse $12 million of the $93 million accumulated as a debt for the energy transfer of the Binational Entity Yacyretá. The Vice Pres... [Leer más]

Septiembre 21, 2023
MarketData MarketData
Director de empresa alimentaria internacional destaca el potencial económico del país - MarketData
Alejandro Chan, nuevo directivo de Tetra Pak Cono Sur, resaltó que posee muchas perspectivas de seguir liderando la industria del envasado seguro de alimentos en el Paraguay. Además, destacó el potencial económico de crecimiento que posee el país. [Leer más]

Junio 09, 2023
El Trueno El Trueno
Joe Biden elige a Kamala Harris para completar su chapa y enfrentar a Trump - El Trueno
Se trata de la primera mujer que puede llegar a la vicepresidencia de EEUU. Los demócratas vuelven a repetir la fórmula entre una persona caucásica y otra de color que les dio la victoria en 2008 y 2012. Por su peso en el tablero de poder mundial, la e... [Leer más]

Agosto 11, 2020    Internacionales