Diario HOY Diario HOY
Diario HOY | Nuevo accidente con aves obliga al retorno de un vuelo
A menos de dos semanas del percance aéreo con aves, este martes un avión se vio obligado a retornar al aeropuerto Silvio Pettirossi, luego de que un ave dañara una de las turbinas. [Leer más]

Julio 23, 2024    Nacionales
Amambay News Amambay News
Esto le pasará al excomandante del ejército boliviano, Juan José Zúñiga, quien impulsó un golpe de Estado
En un dramático giro de los acontecimientos en Bolivia, un grupo de militares liderados por el hasta ahora comandante general del Ejército boliviano, Juan José Zúñiga, intentó un asalto a la sede del gobierno, utilizando un tanque para derribar las pue... [Leer más]

Junio 26, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay begins rapprochement with Vietnam after historic visit of the MIC Minister - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP-. The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, met with his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Hong Dien, ratifying the firm commitment to encouraging commercial exchange between both nations. This is the first time that the ... [Leer más]

Mayo 27, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay begins rapprochement with Vietnam after historic visit of the MIC Minister - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP-. The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, met with his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Hong Dien, ratifying the firm commitment to encouraging commercial exchange between both nations. This is the first time that the ... [Leer más]

Mayo 25, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
A Taiwanese company plans to establish an electric bus factory in Paraguay, creating 2,600 jobs - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- The company «Taiwan Master Transportation» plans to establish its first plant for manufacturing electric bus chassis and rapid-charge bodies in Paraguay. This significant step aims to reform Paraguay’s public transportation syste... [Leer más]

Mayo 22, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Meetings with Meta executives: Peña focused on positioning Paraguay as the center of technological integration - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, is reinforcing his commitment to positioning Paraguay as the center of technological integration. In this context, he met with executives from the American conglomerate Meta to discuss investment opportunit... [Leer más]

Mayo 17, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña receives recognition and highlights historic good relations with the United States - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- «As President of Paraguay, I will continue to promote the strengthening of the historically good relations between Paraguay and the United States, maintaining a strong bond with the Hispanic community,» Santiago Peña reaffirmed u... [Leer más]

Mayo 16, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
"The voice of Paraguay is being heard with increasing strength" in the U.S. Congress highlights Peña - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, began his official agenda in the United States with a meeting with Senator Marco Rubio, their fourth meeting, as part of the Executive's objective of strengthening ties with the Legislative Branch of the No... [Leer más]

Mayo 16, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Canada opens its market to Paraguayan beef, and Peña celebrates official authorization for export - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay has achieved the opening of the Canadian market for exporting its meat products. Nine meatpacking plants are officially authorized to send Paraguayan beef. [Leer más]

Mayo 14, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
SME makes the first export of its products to the U.S. through Exporta Fácil - .::Agencia IP::.
Ñandeté, a micro-enterprise dedicated to the tea sector and belonging to Organika S.A., has achieved a significant milestone by exporting its first products to the United States. [Leer más]

Mayo 10, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
British government formalizes new Ambassador to Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
The British government has officially announced the next British ambassador to Paraguay. She is Danielle Dunne, who will replace Ramin Navai. According to the British Embassy in Paraguay, Danielle Dunne will arrive in January 2025 and is preparing for ... [Leer más]

Mayo 09, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguayan meat conquers the Asian and Middle Eastern markets - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguayan meat, both beef and pork, is increasing in the international market. Taiwan stands out as the primary recipient of pork. At the same time, Israel emerges as an essential market for beef, according to official data. [Leer más]

Mayo 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Carnes paraguayas se posicionan en el mercado asiático y el medio oriente - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- La presencia de la carne paraguaya, tanto vacuna como porcina, aumenta en el mercado internacional. Taiwán se destaca como el principal receptor de carne porcina, mientras que Israel emerge como un mercado importante para la carn... [Leer más]

Mayo 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay and Japan renew cooperation in space technology and industry development - .::Agencia IP::.
On the occasion of the visit of Japan's Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, accompanied by a delegation of government officials and businesspersons, memorandums of cooperation were signed in the areas of space industry and technologies, primarily. [Leer más]

Mayo 06, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Prime Minister of Japan arrived today and met with President Santiago Peña - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, received this afternoon in an official visit His Excellency Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan. [Leer más]

Mayo 03, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
MIC destaca importancia de la energía de Itaipú para la industrialización de Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- En el marco de las negociaciones del Anexo C de Itaipu, el ministro de Industria y Comercio, Javier Giménez, resaltó que el uso estratégico de la energía, la diversificación de la matriz energética y la promoción de energías reno... [Leer más]

Mayo 02, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña marks one year since winning the elections: "We will continue to honor the trust of everyone" - .::Agencia IP::.
One year after winning the presidential elections, Head of State Santiago Peña redoubled his Government's commitment to continue working to honor the trust of all Paraguayans and "continue fulfilling with them." [Leer más]

Abril 30, 2024
Trece Trece
Para construir en grande: ¡“Lego Fun Fest” ya está en Paraguay! - trece
“Lego Fun Fest”, la actividad más esperada por sus fanáticos chicos y grandes, ya está en Paraguay, con funciones disponibles todos los días hasta el próximo 24 de mayo. [Leer más]

Abril 27, 2024
Diario La Nación Diario La Nación
La Nación / Arrancó encuentro de Lego más grande de Latinoamérica
Hasta el 24 de mayo se podrá disfrutar de las 26 esculturas Legos en tamaño real que están exhibidas, a parte de 15 estaciones interactivas. [Leer más]

Abril 27, 2024
Diario La Nación Diario La Nación
La Nación / Arrancó el encuentro de construcción Lego más grande de Latinoamérica en Asunción
El encuentro será hasta el 24 de mayo en el Centro de Convenciones Mariscal. [Leer más]

Abril 25, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
National Defense Council received specialist from the United States - .::Agencia IP::.
The National Defense Council (Codena) held a meeting on Monday at Mburuvichá Roga, chaired by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, and with Dr. Evan Ellis, a professor at the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) of the U.S. Army War College, as a... [Leer más]

Abril 22, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay's green production capacity was highlighted at a global meeting in the U.S. - .::Agencia IP::.
During the 2024 Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) in Washington DC, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Valdovinos, emphasized our country's strengths and opportunities in the fiel... [Leer más]

Abril 20, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
New Ambassadors were instructed to "integrate Paraguay into the world" - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña swore in the new Ambassadors of Paraguay to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Juan Ernesto Snead, and to the United Arab Emirates, Carolin Konther López. [Leer más]

Abril 19, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Maquiladoras employs 25,389 Paraguayan workers and exported USD 86.2 million as of March - .::Agencia IP::.
As of March this year, a total of 25,389 Paraguayans are employed by maquiladora industries in Paraguay, playing an important role in the consolidation of the Paraguayan labor sector. According to the latest report from the Vice Ministry of Industry an... [Leer más]

Abril 17, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Cosmetics brand makes its first shipment to the Argentine market with Rediex's assistance - .::Agencia IP::.
Atman S.A. announced the shipment of the first batch of 54,000 insect repellents, out of the planned 360,000 units for the neighboring country of Argentina. This milestone was achieved thanks to the support of the Investment and Export Network (Rediex)... [Leer más]

Abril 17, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The Executive establishes the team and socio-environmental platform for the export of products to international markets - .::Agencia IP::.
The Executive Branch signed the decree designating the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) as the coordinator of an inter-institutional team and establishing the creation of a socio-environmental traceability work platform to ensure Paraguayan prod... [Leer más]

Abril 17, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Maquiladoras dan empleo a 25.389 trabajadores paraguayos y exportaron por USD 86,2 millones en marzo - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- A marzo de este año, un total de 25.389 trabajadores del país son empleadas por las industrias maquiladoras en Paraguay, siendo un eslabón importante para la consolidación del sector laboral paraguayo. El 44% de los empleos vincu... [Leer más]

Abril 17, 2024    Nacionales
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Project for the manufacturing of electric buses in Paraguay aims to generate 2,500 direct jobs - .::Agencia IP::.
The project by Taiwanese firm Master Bus, which plans to establish an electric bus factory in Paraguay, will involve an investment of around USD 30 million and the creation of between 2,000 and 2,500 direct jobs, according to its executives. [Leer más]

Abril 16, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Convocan a paraguayos a concurso del Mercosur para ocupar cargo administrativo en Uruguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- Llaman a concurso para cubrir un cargo de Asistente Técnico para el Sector de Administración (SA) de la Secretaría del Mercosur. Tiene como objetivo la contratación de un/a funcionario/a de nacionalidad paraguaya, que será selecc... [Leer más]

Abril 15, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Binationals pose Paraguay the challenge of continuing to generate sustainable energy for long-term development - .::Agencia IP::.
The binational dams Itaipu and Yacyreta, shared with Brazil and Argentina, respectively, pose a challenge to Paraguay to continue generating sustainable energy to meet growing demand and establish long-term agreements with its partners to ensure that t... [Leer más]

Abril 15, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay expresses solidarity and support to Israel amid "deplorable attack" - .::Agencia IP::.
The Republic of Paraguay has expressed its solidarity and support for the people of Israel amid the deplorable attack initiated by the Islamic Republic of Iran, which exposes the region and the world to an unprecedented escalation of conflict, accordin... [Leer más]

Abril 14, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Preparations go forward for the 2030 World Cup - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, along with his counterpart from Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, FIFA President Gianni Infantino, and CONMEBOL President Alejandro Domínguez, discussed preparations for the first matches of the 2030 World Cup. [Leer más]

Abril 11, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay held an active participation in the creation of a network to prevent transnational crimes - .::Agencia IP::.
Representatives from migration and security institutions of partner countries in the Eurofront program are currently in Lima, Peru, working towards the establishment of a "Migratory Alerts Network," aimed at facilitating information exchange for the pr... [Leer más]

Abril 11, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Historic: Asunción will once again host the Conmebol Sudamericana's final - .::Agencia IP::.
"Headquarters confirmed! The city of Asunción, located in the heart of South America, will once again host the Final of the South American Cup," announced the president of Conmebol Fútbol Alejandro Domínguez. [Leer más]

Abril 10, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay will also host next year's FIFA Futsal Libertadores - .::Agencia IP::.
The most important event of the sporting discipline at the continental level will be held in Asunción in 2025. [Leer más]

Abril 10, 2024
Trece Trece
¡“La Primera Profecía” ya está en cines con una escalofriante precuela! - trece
La película de terror psicológico, “La Primera Profecía”, llegó a las salas de cine del país de la mano de Filmagic. La cinta es una precuela del clásico de terror centrada en el anticristo. [Leer más]

Abril 10, 2024
Diario HOY Diario HOY
Diario HOY | Lego Fun Fest desembarcará Paraguay
Del 24 de abril al 24 de mayo en el Centro de Convenciones Mariscal, la firma danesa llegará a Paraguay para el evento denominado “Lego Fun Fest”, evento de construcción más grande de Latinoamérica. Las entradas están en venta en Ticketea. [Leer más]

Abril 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Itapua Noticias Itapua Noticias

Abril 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña destaca operativo Joapy como muestra de la determinación de erradicar a grupos criminales - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.– El presidente de la República, Santiago Peña, emitió un mensaje de agradecimiento a las fuerzas operativas que ejecutaron este jueves el Operativo Joapy, para la expulsión de criminales brasileños para que cumplan condena en su p... [Leer más]

Abril 04, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña dialogó con presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos sobre oportunidades de inversión - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- El presidente de la República, Santiago Peña, mantuvo este lunes una reunión virtual con su homólogo de Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, para abordar «el enorme potencial productivo del país, las oportunidades... [Leer más]

Marzo 25, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay seeks to become a leader in forest production and attract investments - .::Agencia IP::.
The Deputy Minister of the Investment and Export Network (Rediex), Rodrigo Maluff, stated that Paraguay has the potential to become a global leader in the forestry sector, highlighting investors' growing interest in this field. [Leer más]

Marzo 22, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Government reaches tariff exemption for exporting pork to Taiwan - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay reaches a historic milestone yesterday by confirming zero-tariff for pork exports to Taiwan. This will increase domestic production shipments and create job opportunities within this industry. It is worth mentioning that the sector previously ... [Leer más]

Marzo 22, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
President highlights Paraguay's potential at a technology and innovation conference - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, participated today in the opening of a conference on technology and innovation, bringing together renowned professionals from Singularity University. On the occasion, he emphasized that Paraguay is a talent... [Leer más]

Marzo 11, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay and European Union sign an agreement to finance projects against violence towards women and girls - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- In the International Women’s Day framework, the Paraguayan Government and the European Union signed a financing agreement to implement the program «Violence against Women and Girls in Paraguay: Improving Prevention and Care Servi... [Leer más]

Marzo 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
A report by the Brazilian center reveals that Paraguay remains the country with the best business climate - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay is projected to have the highest economic growth in the region in 2024, according to the indicator released by the Brazilian Center for Economic Studies, the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV). The new projections mentioned in the Latin America E... [Leer más]

Marzo 09, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Hoy se celebra el día nacional del Poncho Para'i de 60 Listas, patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la Unesco - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- En esta fecha, 8 de marzo, celebramos el Día Nacional del Poncho Para’i de 60 Listas y de sus tejedoras y tejedores. Esta conmemoración, establecida por la Ley 6857 en el año 2001, coincide con la fundación de la ciudad de Piribe... [Leer más]

Marzo 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Villa Panamericana, gran inversión prevista por Paraguay para el deporte y viviendas sociales - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- Con una inversión aproximada de USD 120 millones, el Gobierno, a través del Ministerio de Urbanismo, Vivienda y Habitat (MUVH), proyecta la construcción de más de 3.000 departamentos, en el predio de Mariano Roque Alonso (MRA), e... [Leer más]

Marzo 07, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay with expectations to be selected as host of the 2027 Pan American Games - .::Agencia IP::.
On March 12th, during the Extraordinary Assembly of Panam Sports, the decision on the host city for the upcoming 2027 Pan American Games will be made, and Paraguay hopes to be chosen, according to Camilo Pérez, President of the Paraguayan Olympic Commi... [Leer más]

Marzo 04, 2024    Espectaculos
InformatePY InformatePY
Medio siglo en la Luna
Los técnicos de la NASA habían demostrado tener casi a punto todas las piezas del rompecabezas para la misión que [Leer más]

Marzo 02, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay con expectativa para ser seleccionado como sede de los Juegos Panamericanos de 2027 - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- El próximo 12 de marzo, en la Asamblea Extraordinaria de Panam Sports, se decidirá cuál será la ciudad sede de los próximos Juegos Panamericanos de 2027, y Paraguay espera ser el elegido, según Camilo Pérez, presidente del Comité... [Leer más]

Marzo 01, 2024    Deportes
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay seeks to captivate Asia with its finest products, cultural richness, and economic opportunities - .::Agencia IP::.
In an ambitious effort to showcase its cultural richness and economic opportunities to the Asian market, Paraguay is fine-tuning the details for participating in the World Expo Osaka 2025. [Leer más]

Febrero 28, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
President reaffirms commitment to make Paraguay a technological center - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, reaffirmed his government's commitment to reinforce actions to position Paraguay as a technological center in the region. [Leer más]

Febrero 27, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay, a true economic miracle that wants to become a competitive regional hub - .::Agencia IP::.
During his speech at the Mobile World Congress 2024 in the city of Barcelona, Spain, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, described Paraguay as a "true economic miracle," with one of the highest growth rates in recent years in South America, a... [Leer más]

Febrero 26, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay invites investors and asserts that it "will be a unique place in the world of technology" - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay is ready to embrace the digital era, driven by clean energy and the unlimited potential of its people to foster a knowledge-based economy, as highlighted by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, during his intervention at Mobile World ... [Leer más]

Febrero 26, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Unified Martial Arts Tong Il Mo Doo: Paraguayan athletes prepare themselves for international competitions - .::Agencia IP::.
During a visit to our editorial office, accompanied by champion athletes, the president of the Paraguayan Unified Martial Arts Federation Tong Il Mo Doo, Carlos Teodosio Núñez, confirmed that athletes are preparing for two major international competiti... [Leer más]

Febrero 24, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Taiwanese company presents project for manufacturing electric buses in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Representatives from Master Transportation Bus Manufacturing Ltd of Taiwan presented the project to manufacture electric buses with an investment of US$30 million. [Leer más]

Febrero 22, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay drives preparations for the 2025 Junior Pan American Games and aspires to host the 2027 Pan American Games - .::Agencia IP::.
The drive towards sporting excellence in Paraguay reaches new heights with the ongoing organization of the Asunción 2025 Junior Pan American Games, along with the country's ambitious bid to host the 2027 Pan American Games. [Leer más]

Febrero 21, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay and the United Kingdom highlight coincidences to strengthen the bilateral relation - .::Agencia IP::.
The British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, began a historic visit to Paraguay on Tuesday, marking the strengthening of relations between the two countries and the opportunity to deepen bilateral cooperation and trade. [Leer más]

Febrero 21, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
British Foreign Secretary to meet with Peña this afternoon on his first visit to Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
The British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, is visiting the country for the first time this Tuesday. In that context, he will meet with the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, at the Government Palace. [Leer más]

Febrero 20, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay: the only country in South America to increase its exports in 2023 - .::Agencia IP::.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) reveals that Paraguay was the only country in South America to improve its export performance in 2023 compared to the previous year, within the framework of recovery after the severe drought that affected expor... [Leer más]

Febrero 16, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay: único país de Sudamérica que aumentó sus exportaciones en el 2023 - .::Agencia IP::.
Redacción Agencia IP.- El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) revela que Paraguay fue el único país de Sudamérica que mejoró el desempeño exportador en el 2023 con respecto al año anterior, en el marco de la recuperación tras la fuerte sequía, que... [Leer más]

Febrero 16, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Biofach Fair: Paraguayan companies of organic products seek new markets for export - .::Agencia IP::.
This Friday, the 16th, marks the end of the participation of a dozen Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Paraguayan Enterprises at the BIOFACH Fair, held in Nuremberg, Germany, thanks to the coordination of the Investment and Export Network (REDIEX) and the... [Leer más]

Febrero 15, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay to make a presence in Australia and Ghana with nanotechnology-based manufactures - .::Agencia IP::.
For the first time, Paraguay will mark its presence in the markets of Australia and Ghana with nanotechnology-based manufacturers through the company Nanotek Py. This step towards expanding national products on the global stage is highlighted by the Mi... [Leer más]

Febrero 15, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay and Argentina face challenges in regional integration and joint interest projects - .::Agencia IP::.
President Santiago Peña met this Wednesday with his counterpart from Argentina, Javier Milei, accompanied by Ministers from his cabinet. The meeting allowed them to discuss common challenges regarding regional integration and joint strategic projects, ... [Leer más]

Febrero 14, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Low taxation is highlighted as a key incentive for competitiveness and investment attraction - .::Agencia IP::.
Javier Giménez, Minister of Industry and Commerce (MIC), highlighted the increase in investments under special regimes and the importance of maintaining a tax system that fosters competitiveness and attracts investments to the country. [Leer más]

Febrero 14, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Maquila exports surpass USD 70 million at the close of January - .::Agencia IP::.
In January 2024, maquila industries exported their products abroad for a value of USD 74 million, 2 percent higher than the same period last year. Likewise, more than 25,000 jobs linked to the regime were recorded, according to data from the National C... [Leer más]

Febrero 13, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Technological Boost: Paraguay prepares for the opening of the TIC Innovation Center FPUNA-Koica - .::Agencia IP::.
Soon, Paraguay will significantly boost its technological industry with the arrival of the TIC Innovation Center FPUNA-Koica, the result of collaboration between the Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koica) and the National University of Asunción... [Leer más]

Febrero 13, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The Government and private sector agree to work on traceability for access to more demanding markets - .::Agencia IP::.
Representatives of the Executive Branch and the private sector held a meeting this Monday where they agreed to initiate technical work to implement traceability systems within production to access more demanding markets. [Leer más]

Febrero 13, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay regulates the new Renewable Energy Law - .::Agencia IP::.
The Executive Branch promulgated the regulatory decree of Law No. 6977/2023 on Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (NCRE). This initiative aims to develop the market for non-hydropower electric energy, an industry virtually nonexistent in the country t... [Leer más]

Febrero 12, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The Deputy Minister of Technologies is nominated at the Future of Government Awards - .::Agencia IP::.
The Deputy Minister of Technologies at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (Mitic), Juan Ardissone, has been nominated for the Future of Government Awards 2023. [Leer más]

Febrero 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
President Santiago Peña highlighted the coordinated work and participation of civil society for the objectives of the SUMAR Plan - .::Agencia IP::.
President Santiago Peña highlighted the progress of the Government's Drug Abuse Action Plan "SUMAR," which, in its prevention phase, involves the participation of civil society and will soon enable the opening of the first long-stay addiction treatment... [Leer más]

Febrero 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña assures that negotiations on the Itaipu tariff continue and "there is absolutely nothing to speculate about" - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, expressed that "there is absolutely nothing to dramatize or speculate about" regarding Paraguay's relations with Brazil regarding the negotiation of the Itaipu Binational tariff, which the government author... [Leer más]

Febrero 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay, with a privileged position, aims at investments in renewable energy - .::Agencia IP::.
The Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy, Mauricio Bejarano, highlighted Paraguay's privileged position regarding 100% renewable energy generation and the efforts underway by the government to promote the diversification of the national energy matrix. [Leer más]

Febrero 07, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Rediex offers various services to investors interested in establishing in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
The Investment and Export Network (Rediex) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) offers various services to accompany national and foreign investors who wish to invest capital in the country. [Leer más]

Febrero 07, 2024
Diario HOY Diario HOY
Diario HOY | Reformas de Milei dan marcha atrás en el Congreso
Las reformas ultraderechistas del presidente argentino, Javier Milei, dieron marcha atrás este martes por falta de apoyo de sus aliados en la cámara baja del Congreso, que volverá a tratarlas desde cero en comisión. [Leer más]

Febrero 07, 2024    Internacionales
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
State institutions coordinate compliance with international sentences on human rights - .::Agencia IP::.
The Vice President of the Republic, Pedro Alliana, brought together high authorities of the Executive Branch in a working day on the commitments of the Paraguayan State in matters of human rights. [Leer más]

Febrero 06, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Spanish investors interested in energy, construction, and real estate development - .::Agencia IP::.
The Minister of Industry and Commerce (MIC), Javier Giménez, met with representatives from the Spanish-Paraguayan Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Spain in Paraguay to evaluate existing trade relations. [Leer más]

Febrero 06, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
For the first time, Paraguay issues bonds in its local currency - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, expressed that "Paraguay makes history by issuing bonds in guaraníes for the first time in the international market. This means that from now on, Paraguayan companies will be able to issue abroad, both in g... [Leer más]

Febrero 06, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay to improve its logistics chain, commercial integration, and export diversification through IDB support - .::Agencia IP::.
Through credit support for policy reforms, Paraguay aims to reduce times and costs associated with foreign trade and diversify its exports through simplifying procedures, modernization of institutions, and sectorial planning. [Leer más]

Febrero 05, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay focuses on final proposal to present to FIFA for the opening of the 2030 World Cup - .::Agencia IP::.
Michael Boys, advisor to the Paraguayan Football Association (APF) for organizing the 2030 World Cup, stated that the recently organized workshop by FIFA in Switzerland was just the beginning, considering the process is quite lengthy. They are currentl... [Leer más]

Febrero 03, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay welcomes Crypto Summit del Sur: A deep dive into cryptocurrency and blockchain - .::Agencia IP::.
With the promise of delivering an enriching and vibrant experience, the third edition of Crypto Summit del Sur is about to arrive in Paraguay. This annual event, considered the most important conference on mining, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain in th... [Leer más]

Febrero 03, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
U.S. highlights progress in responsible implementation of military artificial intelligence in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Paul Dean, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability (ADS) at the U.S. Department of State, conducted an official visit to Paraguay to strengthen cooperation in security and military technology. [Leer más]

Febrero 02, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Facing increased economic resilience in Paraguay: S&P raises the country's credit rating to BB+ - .::Agencia IP::.
After a decade, the international rating agency Standard & Poor's Global Ratings (S&P) upgraded Paraguay's sovereign credit rating from 'BB' to 'BB+,' where it had been since 2014. This achievement is attributed to Paraguay's enhanced economic resilien... [Leer más]

Febrero 02, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
SPL to produce a documentary on Arete Guasu, the Grand Festival of the Guarani people in Chaco - .::Agencia IP::.
The Secretariat of Linguistic Policies (SPL) plans to create an audiovisual record of the most significant celebration among the Guarani people in the Chaco region, the Arete Guasu, which takes place simultaneously in four communities. [Leer más]

Enero 31, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Government expresses concerns over the electoral situation in Venezuela - .::Agencia IP::.
The Presidency of the Republic issued a statement expressing its concern over the electoral situation in Venezuela and indicating the need for accessible, transparent presidential elections with the participation of all candidates. [Leer más]

Enero 29, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay receives international award for gastronomic Capital - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay has been awarded the "Ibero-American Capital of Guarani Gastronomy in the Socio-Cultural Scope of the Jesuit Missions 2024" for Asunción, within the framework of the International Tourism Fair (Fitur) 2024 held in Madrid, Spain. [Leer más]

Enero 25, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Mercosur Foreign Affairs Ministers address priorities for Paraguay's Presidency of the bloc - .::Agencia IP::.
Chancellor Rubén Ramírez met with his counterparts from Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Uruguay to establish action priorities for the first semester of this year during Paraguay's Pro Tempore Presidency. [Leer más]

Enero 25, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Central Bank lowers monetary policy interest rate to 6.50% annually - .::Agencia IP::.
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP) unanimously decided to reduce the monetary policy interest rate (MPIR) by 25 basis points (bp) from 6.75% to 6.50% annually. [Leer más]

Enero 22, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Survey reveals inflation expectation of 4.0% for the end of 2024 - .::Agencia IP::.
The Survey of Expectations of Economic Variables (EVE) conducted by the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP) in January 2024 shows that the median of inflation expectations reported by agents for the end of 2024 and the end of 2025 is 4.0%. [Leer más]

Enero 22, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay at Fitur 2024: Technological innovation and recognition as gastronomic Capital - .::Agencia IP::.
Our country will showcase its entire tourist offering in a new edition of the International Tourism Fair of Madrid (Fitur 2024), the leading fair for Latin American countries. On this occasion, Asunción will be declared the "Ibero-American Capital of G... [Leer más]

Enero 21, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The Mercosur Foreign Ministers will meet in Asunción - .::Agencia IP::.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of Mercosur and Bolivia will meet in Asunción on January 23 and 24, within Paraguay's Pro Tempore presidency framework. [Leer más]

Enero 21, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay to host the OAS General Assembly in June - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, announced that Paraguay will host the 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), which will take place from June 26 to 28 in Asuncion. [Leer más]

Enero 17, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay defends an adequate level of electricity tariff to ensure its development, says Minister - .::Agencia IP::.
The Minister of Industry and Commerce (MIC), Javier Giménez, revealed that Paraguay proposes to maintain the amount of the Itaipu energy tariff for this year at an appropriate level to guarantee the quality of life of its people and, at the same time, ... [Leer más]

Enero 17, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
New Paraguayan Ambassador sworn in to Israel - .::Agencia IP::.
On Tuesday morning, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, swore in Alejandro Rubín Cymerman as the new Ambassador of Paraguay to the State of Israel. The new representative will present his credentials in the allied country in a few days. [Leer más]

Enero 16, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Drilling work in search of hydrocarbons restarts in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
A new hope for having national hydrocarbons began over the weekend. After six years of inactivity, President Energy Py S.A. started drilling its third well in the Boquerón, Paraguayan Chaco department last Friday at 7:00 PM. [Leer más]

Enero 15, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña will meet with Lula da Silva in Brazil to discuss bilateral issues - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, will visit Brasilia this Monday, January 15, to discuss important bilateral issues with his Brazilian counterpart, Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva, and other authorities. [Leer más]

Enero 13, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Firefighters in Chaco strengthen their capacity through donations from the U.S. Embassy - .::Agencia IP::.
The United States Embassy in Paraguay, through its Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC), donated personal protective equipment aimed at combating forest fires to the Volunteer Firefighters of Filadelfia and Neuland. [Leer más]

Enero 13, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Economic activity recorded a growth of 1,6% at the end of November - .::Agencia IP::.
The Monthly Economic Activity Indicator of Paraguay (Imaep) from the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP) recorded a growth of 1.6% in November compared to the same month of the previous year. With this result, the cumulative variation up to November reached... [Leer más]

Enero 12, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay on the radar: British newspaper reveals its unexplored allure - .::Agencia IP::.
The British newspaper "The Telegraph" has published an article highlighting seven reasons to visit Paraguay, considering it an unexplored tourist gem. In it, the author argues that Paraguay offers travelers a unique and authentic experience, emphasizin... [Leer más]

Enero 12, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay applies to host the 2027 Pan-American Games - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, signed the letter of intent on Thursday, nominating Asunción as the host city for the 2027 Pan American Games, aiming to establish Paraguay as the epicenter of sports at the continental level. [Leer más]

Enero 11, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
"Organized crime is targeting the weakest governments to carry out its actions," warns President Peña - .::Agencia IP::.
"Organized crime is looking for the jurisdictions and the weakest governments to carry out their actions," said the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, expressing "great concern" about the current situation in Ecuador. [Leer más]

Enero 11, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Mercosur expresses solidarity with Ecuador and condemns acts of violence - .::Agencia IP::.
Mercosur strongly condemns the acts of violence perpetrated by groups related to transnational organized crime that affect the internal security of Ecuador. [Leer más]

Enero 11, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Chancellor met with directors of the Paraguayan American Chamber of Commerce - .::Agencia IP::.
Minister Rubén Ramírez Lezcano met with directors of the Paraguayan American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham). This organization supports and promotes free trade policies, sustainable development, and economic activities between the United States of Americ... [Leer más]

Enero 10, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay rejects accusations presented against Israel at the International Court of Justice - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay's Government rejects the accusations presented against Israel at the International Court of Justice in the context of legitimate defense against terrorist attacks. [Leer más]

Enero 10, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay expresses full support to Ecuador in the fight against organized crime - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguayan President Santiago Peña has conveyed complete support to the Ecuadorian people and its President, Daniel Novoa, amidst the delicate internal security situation faced by the South American country due to crime and organized crime. [Leer más]

Enero 10, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The maquila industry exported USD 1.039 and generated over 25,000 jobs by the end of 2023 - .::Agencia IP::.
At the close of December 2023, maquila industries exported USD 1.039 billion in consumer goods and intangible services, reported the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC). [Leer más]

Enero 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Law must safeguard people's interest as owners of their data, affirms Mitic Minister - .::Agencia IP::.
Gustavo Villate, the Minister of Information and Communication Technologies (Mitic), emphasized the importance of Paraguay having a law on personal data protection that considers the specificities of the current context, with a primary focus on safegua... [Leer más]

Enero 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay interested in hosting the Pan-American Games 2027 - .::Agencia IP::.
The President of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee (COP), Camilo Pérez, acknowledged Paraguay's interest in organizing the Pan American Games 2027, a continental event that, until a few days ago, was meant to happen in Barranquilla, Colombia. [Leer más]

Enero 09, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay starts the year as one of the countries with the lowest risk levels in the region - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay starts 2024 by positioning itself as one of the countries demonstrating a lower level of risk for investors within a region where the average disguises stability in some cases and high uncertainty in other countries. [Leer más]

Enero 09, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
"Cybersecurity is a collective effort," says Vice Minister in the face of cyberattack event - .::Agencia IP::.
Juan Ardissone, the Vice Minister of Technologies at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (Mitic), emphasized the importance of remaining vigilant and working collaboratively to prevent cyberattacks. He also highlighted the suppor... [Leer más]

Enero 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
IPS doctors successfully corrected a cervical fracture in an elderly patient - .::Agencia IP::.
Doctors at the Ingavi Specialized Surgical Hospital, under the Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS), successfully corrected a cervical fracture in a 93-year-old elderly patient using a minimally invasive technique. The procedure was successful, given th... [Leer más]

Enero 08, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Over 80,000 people have already used pre-migratory registration to expedite border procedures - .::Agencia IP::.
Since its implementation at the border crossings of Puerto Falcón, Encarnación, and Ciudad del Este, over 80,000 individuals have already used the pre-migratory registration, significantly expediting entry and exit procedures from the country. [Leer más]

Enero 05, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The Executive Branch declares Ao Po'i as the official preferred attire for the summer season - .::Agencia IP::.
By Decree 929, the Executive Branch has declared the nationally originated Ao Po'i fabric as the official preferred attire for the National Government. The Decree suggests government officials and high authorities in the public administration wear this... [Leer más]

Enero 04, 2024    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Mitic Minister Gustavo Villate highlights collaborative achievements and plans for 2024 - .::Agencia IP::.
Gustavo Villate, Minister of Information Technology and Communication (Mitic), reflected on the institution's accomplishments as the year 2023 concluded. Emphasizing the pivotal role of collaboration among institutions, Villate stated that this approac... [Leer más]

Enero 02, 2024
Digital Misiones Digital Misiones
Your Uncomplicated Approach to Partnership Delight – Creating Enduring Relationships
Her remaining able to demonstrate up in each day lifestyle is more than enough. «Kobe Bryant and Vanessa Laine Bryant at the ninetieth Yearly Academy Awards in 2018, in Hollywood, California. | Sup… [Leer más]

Enero 01, 2024
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Attorney's General Office successfully prevented over $5 million in compensation claimed from the Paraguayan State - .::Agencia IP::.
In a significant legal victory, the Attorney General's Office (PGR) has successfully defended the Paraguayan State against a lawsuit filed by Tagua Pilot, seeking compensation of USD 2,810,800 for actual damage, loss of profits, and loss of opportunity. [Leer más]

Diciembre 29, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay is close to export the first shipments of boneless beef to Canada - .::Agencia IP::.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has informed the National Service for Quality and Animal Health (Senacsa) that all recommendations made during the audit of Paraguay's beef inspection system and animal health controls conducted at the end of ... [Leer más]

Diciembre 28, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay appoints new Ambassador to Israel who announces an ambitious work plan - .::Agencia IP::.
The Executive Branch issued Decree 925, appointing Mr. Alejandro Rubín Cymerman as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the State of Israel. The Diplomat announced an ambitious work plan focused on economic diplomacy. [Leer más]

Diciembre 27, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Companies increase flight frequencies from Asunción to several countries - .::Agencia IP::.
Due to the high demand for air tickets, several companies have announced an increase in their weekly flight frequencies from Asunción to cities such as Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Madrid, adding summer flights to Brazil and Uruguay. [Leer más]

Diciembre 27, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Digitalization process enhances data security, affirms Minister - .::Agencia IP::.
The digitalization process of mandatory processes and documents provides increased security in data usage. "It contributes to greater efficiency in both public and private sectors," stated the Minister of Information Technology and Communication (MITIC... [Leer más]

Diciembre 26, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Starlink's satellite internet services are now available in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Starlink, owned by businessman Elon Musk, has officially launched its satellite internet services in Paraguay. The high-speed, low-latency internet service offers connectivity across the entire national territory. [Leer más]

Diciembre 22, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay receives €13 Million in cooperation from the EU for education and social protection projects - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay's Government and the European Union (EU) have agreed to disburse €13 million in budgetary support for education and protection programs. [Leer más]

Diciembre 22, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
IMF approves funding for Sustainability and Resilience Service in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
The board of directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved the inclusion of Paraguay in the Sustainability and Resilience Service (SRS), an instrument that provides accessible financing for reforms aimed at promoting sustainable devel... [Leer más]

Diciembre 21, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Asunción chosen as host city for FIFA Futsal America Cup 2024 - .::Agencia IP::.
The epicenter of FIFA Futsal on the continental level will again be in Paraguay. Conmebol has confirmed Asunción as the host city for the upcoming FIFA Futsal America Cup 2024, providing the continent's teams an opportunity to compete for one of the fo... [Leer más]

Diciembre 21, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
The First Lady and Minister of Tourism recognize Nadia Ferreira as Tourism Ambassador - .::Agencia IP::.
The First Lady, Leticia Ocampos, and the Minister of Tourism, Angie Duarte, presented Nadia Ferreira with the distinction of Tourism Ambassador of Paraguay in an event held at the Presidential Residence Mburuvicha Róga. [Leer más]

Diciembre 21, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Minister of Foreign Affairs presents foreign policy guidelines to Ambassadors and Consuls - .::Agencia IP::.
On Wednesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, presented the guidelines and outlook of Paraguay's foreign policy to the Heads of Diplomatic and Consular representations of the country. [Leer más]

Diciembre 20, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay has accessed the U.S. market, becoming one of 18 countries worldwide - .::Agencia IP::.
The United States Ambassador, Marc Ostfield, emphasized that the shipment of Paraguayan meat to the United States reflects the high quality of the product, making Paraguay one of the 18 countries worldwide with access to the American market. [Leer más]

Diciembre 20, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Land titling, the most effective and concrete combat against poverty - .::Agencia IP::.
By Francisco Ruiz Díaz, President of INDERT. The numbers speak for themselves—indisputable evidence of a genuine land titling revolution, as President Santiago Peña highlighted. Reflecting on my work in these few months, he described me as a tireless w... [Leer más]

Diciembre 20, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Historic shipment marks the beginning of Paraguayan beef exports to the United States - .::Agencia IP::.
Paraguay marked a historic milestone today with the shipment of its first beef containers to the United States after seven years of dedicated effort. [Leer más]

Diciembre 20, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay got six medals at the Tong-Il Moo-Do International Open - .::Agencia IP::.
In a remarkable display of martial arts prowess, Paraguay's delegation participating in the international Tong-Il Moo-Do competition in Kenya has clinched six medals, including two gold, two silver, and two bronze. [Leer más]

Diciembre 19, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay leads economic growth in 2023 with solid projections for the coming year - .::Agencia IP::.
In a year-end report, the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) has identified Paraguay as the South American country experiencing the highest economic growth in 2023, coupled with optimistic projections for 2024. [Leer más]

Diciembre 19, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Minister highlights major reforms driven in the first months of Government - .::Agencia IP::.
"Governments must wait for the opportune moment to implement significant reforms during their tenure because there are political cycles," stated the Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández, while analyzing the initial months of Santiago Peña'... [Leer más]

Diciembre 18, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay assumes the Pro Tempore Presidency of Gafilat for the 2024 period - .::Agencia IP::.
Liliana Alcaraz, Minister of the Secretariat for the Prevention of Money Laundering or Property (Seprelad), has assumed the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Financial Action Task Force of Latin America (Gafilat) for the period 2024. [Leer más]

Diciembre 18, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña highlights historic operation in Tacumbú for a safer Paraguay for families - .::Agencia IP::.
In a message addressed to the citizens, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, emphasized the courage of the security forces that President a historic operation to end privileges, complicity, and lack of control within the Tacumbú penitentiary. ... [Leer más]

Diciembre 18, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay and Uruguay agree to mutual recognition of digital signature certificates - .::Agencia IP::.
The Governments of Paraguay and Uruguay have mutually agreed to recognize digital signature certificates. This initiative aims to streamline the processes of commercial and transactional procedures between the two countries. [Leer más]

Diciembre 18, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Apple commits to supporting sustainable investment initiatives in Paraguay - .::Agencia IP::.
Executives from Apple met with President Santiago Peña and Government authorities this week to discuss sustainable supply chain investment projects in Paraguay. [Leer más]

Diciembre 17, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Metrobus: $16.5 Million fine for policy execution and 37% responsibility for delays - .::Agencia IP::.
The dispute between the Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) and the construction company Mota Engil over the Metrobus project concluded with the Arbitral Tribunal ruling against the Paraguayan State for executing the insurance policy against the Tribunal's... [Leer más]

Diciembre 16, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Itaipu tariff for 2024 to be defined by authorities - .::Agencia IP::.
Chancellor Rubén Ramírez announced that the energy tariff for Itaipu in 2024 will be defined by Presidents Santiago Peña and Lula Da Silva in a meeting expected to take place before the end of this year. [Leer más]

Diciembre 16, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Initiatives projected to implement electric mobility in the transportation system - .::Agencia IP::.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) and the Deputy Ministry of Transportation have outlined a roadmap for implementing electric mobility in urban transportation. By the middle of next year, they expect to have five buses as part of the cooperat... [Leer más]

Diciembre 16, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Becal represents an opportunity to change professional approach - .::Agencia IP::.
Guillermo Achucarro chose France to pursue a Master's Degree in Hydrology and Risks at the University of Montpellier from 2016 to 2018 through The National Postgraduate Scholarship Program Abroad «Don Carlos Antonio López» (Becal). He emphasized that i... [Leer más]

Diciembre 15, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Lince Group receives 600 new motorcycles to strengthen street security - .::Agencia IP::.
On Friday, the Paraguayan Government received 600 motorcycles for the Lince Group donated by the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to strengthen security on the streets. [Leer más]

Diciembre 15, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
These are the Paraguayan processing plants approved to export beef to the United States - .::Agencia IP::.
The United States Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has released the list of Paraguayan establishments authorized to export refrigerated and frozen meat to the United States. [Leer más]

Diciembre 14, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
"We benefit when Argentina does well," says Industry and Commerce Minister - .::Agencia IP::.
Minister of Industry and Commerce (MIC) Javier Giménez stated that it is in Paraguay's interest for the Argentine economy to improve, as it will positively impact the local economy. He urged caution when making predictions about the potential outcomes ... [Leer más]

Diciembre 14, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Vorí Vorí voted best soup in the world by gastronomic guide - .::Agencia IP::.
The international culinary guide Taste Atlas has chosen Paraguay's vorí vorí as the best soup in the world in 2023. [Leer más]

Diciembre 13, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Government presents project for forest conservation with the support of the EU - .::Agencia IP::.
The "Forest4Life" project was presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) to support conservation and forest preservation efforts, combat deforestation and fires, and promote sustainable forest management. [Leer más]

Diciembre 13, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Paraguay and the United States strengthen cooperation in defense and fight against organized crime - .::Agencia IP::.
President Santiago Peña received General Laura Richardson, Commander of the United States Southern Command, who is in the country to celebrate 80 years of cooperation with Paraguay in security and defense. [Leer más]

Diciembre 13, 2023
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Diplomatic Corps highlights efforts to guarantee greater stability and lasting development - .::Agencia IP::.
The Apostolic Nuncio Eliseo Antonio Ariotti, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, highlighted that Paraguay is finding the path to progress, demonstrating its taste for work and profound spirituality, leading it towards greater stability and development. [Leer más]

Diciembre 13, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
MOPC points to new sources to finance million-dollar work plan - .::Agencia IP::.
The Director of Strategic Projects of the MOPC, Amílcar Guillen, believes that the public-private alliance (PPP) constitutes a high-impact tool to shorten the existing gap in road infrastructure and guarantee the quality of the plays. The Government in... [Leer más]

Diciembre 12, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
"My Government will continue to be a spokesperson for peace and dialogue," affirms the President - .::Agencia IP::.
Asunción, Agencia IP.- In his first message to the Diplomatic Corps, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, stated that his Government’s objective is to maintain active international relations, which is why he will continue to be a spokesperson ... [Leer más]

Diciembre 12, 2023    Espectaculos
Agencia de Información Agencia de Información
Peña seeks to promote relations with Ecuador and Hungary - .::Agencia IP::.
As part of his visit to Argentina for the inauguration of Javier Milei, Paraguayan President Santiago Peña met with the leaders of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, and of Hungary, Viktor Orbán. [Leer más]

Diciembre 11, 2023