The opposition and a necessary conversation

On the opposite side of the street, but in the same neighborhood of the opposition, the encuentrista deputy Kattya González, with a preferential position in the polls, does her own thing in the same social network. This is how, essentially, the opposition scenario for the general elections of 2023 looks like, facing a Colorado Party which has already defined its panorama, with the usual simplicity: its internal campaign focused on two candidates representing the ruling party versus the opposition. The year 2023 is the real context of the different opposition parties and movements that in their discourse point out that they must be united because that is the only way to overthrow the ANR. For now, it seems to be a meeting with a predominance of Alegre's leadership and that is the great challenge he has: to accept that there are deep divisions and that the conversation with the parties’ dissidences must be broadened because otherwise the objective will not be achieved. The worst thing is that they know that if they are not able to unite the greatest possible force, there is no possibility of overcoming the ANR, which for now only needs to move its army to win the elections. ...[Leer más]

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