A political pact, too much conjecture

On Friday, the Council of the Magistracy (CM) finalized the Supreme Court minister selection process by confirming Víctor Ríos in the shortlist, along with Gustavo Ocampos and Alma Méndez de Buongermini. The different phases or exams are still not convincing, because, despite the supposed objectivity, by looking at the scores given by the counselors to each applicant, you can tell the difference between one and the other. The third stage ended with the "comprehensive qualitative evaluation", the most subjective one of all and, therefore, the perfect trap to remove a candidate or to empower the one with political consensus. The Court minister, Eugenio Jiménez, and the president of the Council and representative of the lawyers, Óscar Paciello, did not vote for the liberal senator. For this reason, there is a quasi-certain speculation that Ríos has a better chance since he has the support of the majority in the Senate, as could be seen in the vote of the counselors. Out of the 8 current members, the Court is divided between two visions: the innovative, who, although they had the support of political parties to reach the top, act with greater independence. ...[Leer más]

horacio cartes gustavo ocampos ocampos miguel godoy blas llano bogarín cartes méndez wasmosy santacruz colorados simón víctor ríos court mónica seifart césar garay raúl torres kirmser fretes council buongermini pedro santacruz honor colorado independent víctor fretes laíno alma méndez esteban kriskovich justice césar diesel another eugenio jiménez republic given cachito salomón manuel ramírez president óscar paciello carolina llanes alma méndez de buongermini thursday césar ruffinelli antonio fretes supreme court although wednesday executive tsje plra bid but this the for now his if it out they cm that so in senate catholic church negotiations on friday magistracy executive branch's minister gladys bareiro executive branch legislative branch ombudsman's office what is at stake magistracy's judiciary electoral justice the court
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